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বাংলাদেশের বিখ্যাত আম: ফজলি, হিমসাগর, ল্যাংড়া ও আরও

বাংলাদেশের বিখ্যাত কি কি আম আছে? আম মানেই গ্রীষ্মের স্বাদ। বাংলাদেশের মাটিতে যত ধরনের আমের চাষ হয়, তা যেমন বৈচিত্র্যময়, তেমনই স্বাদে অনন্য। এই প্…

General Muslim Customs and Traditions

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Each society, other than various different things, has its own particular unmistakable arrangement of traditions, conventions and manners. Indeed, one of the vital recognizing components between one country and one tribe and another has for the most part been its unmistakable arrangement of traditions, customs and decorums. The country or tribe framed by the adherents of the prophets and ambassadors of God is no special case. In the development of this gathering, the prophets of God guided their devotees to adjust to a specific arrangement of traditions and decorums, which would recognize them as a country of the supporters of God's prophets. On the other hand, in light of the fact that the essential goal of every single prophetic instructing is to purge the human personality, body and soul from every one of that has the capability of polluting it, the traditions and behaviors for this gathering of individuals have additionally been altered and advanced with the same focus in context. 

The Arab society, initially, being one comprising of followers of the Abrahamic conventions, had some of these traditions, customs and decorums in vogue, even before the appearance of the Prophet (peace be upon him). With just a couple of minor exemptions, the Prophet (peace be upon him) didn't change or add anything to these conventions and traditions of the Abrahamic legacy. Consequently, these customs, by and large, are a more primitive piece of Islam, when contrasted with the Qur'an. After the endorsement of the Prophet (peace be upon him), they have been transmitted to the Muslim group through the theoretical accord and the functional propagation of the partners of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Accordingly, the wellspring of these traditions, conventions and decorums is the theoretical agreement and the handy propagation of the buddies of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and each consequent era of Muslims. 

A presentation of the Islamic traditions, customs and manners takes after: 

1-Pronouncing God's Name Before Eating or Drinking 

The profession of God's name before eating or drinking is with a twofold reason. Firstly, as an acknowledgment of God's innumerable endowments upon us, and also as a supplication for the continuation and wealth of these favors in future. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have focused on strict adherence to this decorum in various maxims attributed to him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have said: 

At whatever point anybody of you eats, he ought to say: '[I begin] with the name of God'. On the off chance that he overlooks, he ought to then say: 'With the name of God, toward the starting and in addition toward the end". 

2-Using the Right Hand for Eating and Drinking 

Subsequent to affirming God's name before beginning to eat or drink, a Muslim ought to utilize his right hand for eating and drinking. This practice is a persistent update for Muslims to endeavor to be among those, who - on the Day of Judgment - should get their records in their privilege hands[1]. Adherence to this practice, for the benefit of the individual symbolizes his longing and responsibility to be among the general population of 'right hand' on the Day of Judgment[2]. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has focused on adherence to this practice in various accounts attributed to him. In one of these stories, the Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have said: 

At whatever point one of you eats, he ought to eat with his right hand and at whatever point he drinks, he ought to drink utilizing his right hand. 

3-Muslim Greeting and its Response 

At the season of meeting a Muslim ought to welcome his sibling with the words: "Assalaam `alaikum"[3]. The addressees ought to accordingly react with the words: "Wa `alaikum Assalaam'"[4]. These words are, truth be told, a supplication for the recipient for peace and endowments. These words have been alluded to in the Qur'an and in addition in truisms of the Prophet (peace be upon him). As a further manners of welcome others, the Prophet is likewise answered to have said: 

"The youthful ought to outweigh everything else in welcome the old, the bystander ought to come first in welcome the person who is sitting and the littler gathering ought to first welcome the bigger gathering". 

4-Blessing After Sneeze and its Response 

A sniffle is a help from a typical interim issue in the human body. In the wake of being soothed from this makeshift issue, a Muslim ought to thank the Almighty with the words: "Al-Hamdulillah" [5], while those present around him, who hear him applaud and thank the Lord, ought to appeal to God for God's benevolence and gifts for him with the words: "Yarhamukallah" [6]. The starting articulation is clearly to thank the Almighty for the help one feels in the wake of sniffling, while the reaction - involving a conjuring of God's leniency for the individual who has said thanks to his Lord - means an indication of the way that God's kindness and His gifts are, truth be told, the privilege just of the grateful. This routine of saying thanks to God subsequent to sniffling and afterward of reacting with a summon of God's leniency for the individual who has expressed gratitude toward God is referred to in the Arabic dialect as 'Tashmeet'. "Tashmeet" has been one of the basic practices among the devotees of God's prophets. The negligible truth that there was a word for this practice in the pre-Islamic Arabic dialect obviously confirms the way this practice was likewise in vogue among the Arabs even before the appearance of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) affirmed and advanced this practice among his supporters with no change. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have said: 

At the point when one of you sniffles, he ought to say: "All appreciation is because of God", his sibling or his buddy, accordingly ought to say: "Might God favor you/show leniency upon you", on the other hand as a reaction, the audience ought to say: "Might God guide all of you and make all of you more upright". (Bukhari) 

5-Reciting "Adhaan" in the Right Ear of a Newly Born 

This convention was started by the Prophet (peace be upon him). 

The expressions of the Adhaan[7] as altered by the Prophet (peace be upon him), as indicated by God's mandate, involve the complete condensed message of Islam[8]. The Adhaan - the call to petitions to God is, truth be told, a call to Islam - a call to finish accommodation to God's will. Each Muslim is constantly being called toward the message involved in the Adhaan. This message is being conveyed through our mosques five times amid consistently. 

Recitation of the Adhaan in the right ear of another conceived youngster symbolizes, in the interest of the folks, that like their individual physical commitments in the development of the kid, they have likewise, through the deliverance of God's message, started the transmission of their otherworldly creatures to the kid. 

6-Trimming Mustaches, Removing Hair from the Pubic Area and from Under the Armpits, Clipping Nails and Circumcision 

As a major aspect of the teachings identified with physical purging, the Prophet (peace be upon him) guided the Muslims to trim their mustaches, expel the hair from their pubic region and that which becomes under the armpits, cut their nails and circumcise their male posterity. These practices were endorsed, embraced and advanced by the Prophet (peace be upon him) as images of cleanness. 

Substantial and unkempt mustaches have for the most part been viewed as an indication of presumption. Besides, such mustaches can likewise soil sustenance and water at the season of eating and drinking. In like manner, vast nails are not just an indication of an unrefined and a grimy identity, additionally give a wild and brutal appearance. In this way, the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave the mandate with respect to the trimming of mustaches and the cut-out of nails. In the same way, expelling hair from the pubic zone and from under the armpits and circumcising the male posterity are likewise obviously identified with physical purging. To push adherence to every one of these practices, the Prophet (peace be upon him) even altered a period for some of these practices. As indicated by one of the accounts, Anas (might God be satisfied with him) is accounted for to have said: 

"We were coordinated not to leave our mustaches untrimmed, our nails unclipped and the hair on our pubic region and under our armpits unshaved for more than forty days." (Muslim) 

Every one of these practices were by and large held fast to by the Arabs, even before the appearance of the Prophet (peace be upon him)[9]. Adherence to every one of these practices is, truth be told, a some portion of human instinct, which, in perspective of their hugeness in our physical purging and cleaning, have dependably been a perpetual element of the teachings of the prophets of God. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have said: 

"Five things are a part of man's nature[10]: Circumcision, uprooting pubic hair, cut-out nails, expelling hair from the armpits and trimming mustaches." 

7-Keeping the Nose, the Mouth and the Teeth Clean 

As a piece of lifting the religious tastes and adding to an in number feeling of filtration and cleanliness among their supporters, cleaning the nose, the mouth and the teeth has been a changeless component of the teachings of the prophets of God. Keeping up cleanliness and cleanliness, particularly, keeping the nose, the mouth and the teeth clean has been specified ever, since pre-Islamic times, as an acknowledged religious tradition[11]. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have entirely held fast to the act of washing his mouth and his nose each time he performed his ablutions. In the same way, he likewise incredibly focused on the significance of keeping the teeth clean. He is accounted for to have said: 

"Had it not been for the weight that it may have brought about for my supporters, I would have guided them to brush their teeth before each supplication to God." (Muslim) 

8-Washing after Urination and Defecation 

The Arabic word "Istinjaa" is utilized as a term for cleaning the related organs after pee and poop. "Istinjaa", in the same way as other of the previously stated traditions and conventions, was likewise entirely held fast to by the Arabs, since pre-Islamic times[12]. Contingent on the circumstances, "Istinjaa" may be performed with water, with rocks of dry earth or with some other suitable thing. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is accounted for to have favored utilizing water for the reason. Abu Hurairah (might God be satisfied with him) is accounted for to have said: 

"At the point when the Prophet would go to mitigate himself (i.e. to urinate or poo), I would get him water in a pot. He would perform Istinjaa with the water and brush his hand on the earth." (Abu Dawud) 

9-Refraining from Sexual Contact During a Woman's Menstruation and her Puerperal Discharge 

Shunning sexual contact with ladies amid their feminine cycle and amid their puerperal release has been a piece of all uncovered religions. The Arabs, affected by the Abrahamic customs, entirely held fast to this limitation even before the coming of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This limitation is likewise alluded, from different angles, in the pre-Islamic Arabic verse. There was no perceptible distinction of conclusion or practice in such manner. On the other hand, the admissible furthest reaches of cooperation with ladies amid nowadays were not as clear. There were some to a great degree strict feelings with respect as far as possible. Some even considered the touch of a discharging lady to be debasing and defiling their physical cleanness. In this manner, when individuals asked about these limits, the Qur'an cleared up these breaking points (Al-Baqarah 2: 222) in the accompanying words: 

They get some information about monthly cycle. Let's assume: it is a condition of uncleanness. In this manner, confine yourselves from ladies amid their monthly cycle, and don't approach them until they are perfect [from menstruation]. At that point, when they have purified themselves, approach them, from where God has appointed you. For sure God cherishes the humble and He adores the individuals who keep themselves purged. (Qur'an: 2:222) 

The Qur'an, in the refered to verses, has illuminated that the "separation" from ladies recommended amid their period, relates just to marital (sexual) relations with them. It doesn't infer that a lady amid her period ought to be rendered "untouchable" amid nowadays, just like the case in a few social orders and religions. 

In the last a portion of the verse, a wonderful similarity is drawn in the middle of apology and keeping oneself physically clean. A nearby take a gander at the two wonders demonstrates that they basically allude to the same thing from two alternate points of view. Physical purging, as we probably am aware, alludes to diminishing the body from every single such thing that dirt and debase it; Repentance, then again, is truth be told, the purifying of the spirit - i.e. diminishing the spirit from every single such thing that have the capability of ruining and debasing it. In this manner, the last a portion of the verse announces that to merit God's affection, one ought to consistently endeavor to keep his body and additionally his spirit washed down. 

10-Bathing After Menstrual and Puerperal Discharge and After Sexual Uncleanness 

Washing after menstrual and puerperal release of blood and after sexual contact has additionally been a piece of every heavenly religion. It was additionally a typical custom among the Arabs, even before the approach of Islam, as an Abrahamic convention. As has been refered to over, the Qur'an has alluded to a lady's showering after the stopping of her menstrual dying. The same principles, as given in the Qur'an for monthly cycle, ought to clearly apply to puerperal seeping too. Washing after sexual contact, particularly before offering Salah, is likewise alluded to in the Qur'an. The Qur'an (Al-Nisaa 4: 43) says: 

Adherents, don't go close petitions to God, while you are in a condition of inebriation, until the time that you know about what you say and neither in a condition of sexual uncleanness, until you bathe yourselves precisely, aside from that you just expect to go through [the mosque]. 

The case set by the Prophet (peace be upon him) identifying with washing after sexual uncleanness, as reported in various accounts, involved the accompanying, successive, steps: 

Precisely washing hands; 

Precisely washing and cleaning the organ, utilizing the left hand; 

Directing the complete custom bathing, recommended for supplications to God, aside from washing the feet; 

Completely washing the head while flushing the hair; 

Washing the entire body; 

Washing the feet.

End Notes
[1] According to the Qur'an, the individuals who should stand effective on the Day of Judgment, might get the records of their deeds in their right hands, while the destined might get their records in their left hands (see Al-Haaqqah 69: 19 - 22) 

[2] See Al-Waaqi`ah 56: 27 - 40. 

[3] Lit: 'peace be upon you (all)'. 

[4] Lit: 'and upon you too may be peace'. 

[5] Lit: 'all commendation/appreciation is because of God'. 

[6] Lit: 'might God show kindness toward you' or 'may God favor you'. 

[7] the general population call to supplications to God. 

[8] The Adhaan starts with the assertion of the way that God is the greatest and the most astounding power and, along these lines, merits our accommodation and dutifulness the most. After this, a revelation of the unity of God and the prophethood of Mohammed (peace be upon him) is made, which is trailed by a call to God's love - in the style taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him) - which ensures interminable achievement. At last, at the end of the day the statement of God's unique enormity and His unity is rehashed to symbolize the widely inclusive nature of the conviction of Tawheed (unity of God) in Islam. 

[9] "Al-Mufassal fi Taarikh al-Arab Qabl al-Islam", (Arabic) Dr. Jawwad Ali, Vol. 6, Pg. 346. 

[10] That is, a man because of his regular slant of keeping himself clean ought to entirely stick to them. 

[11] "Al-Mufassal fi Taarikh al-Arab Qabl al-Islam", (Arabic) Dr. Jawwad Ali, Vol. 6, Pg. 346. 

[12] "Al-Mufassal fi Taarikh al-Arab Qabl al-Islam", (Arabic) Dr. Jawwad Ali, Vol. 6, Pg. 346.

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