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Ebola crisis: Two new cases confirmed in Guinea, WHO says

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has affirmed two new instances of Ebola in Guinea, finishing a two-week spell in which no new contaminations were accounted for. 

The prior week last was the first week that the three most exceedingly bad influenced nations - Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia - had seen no new diseases. 

The infection has murdered more than 11,000 individuals in almost two years. 

The case in Forecariah had all the earmarks of being connected to a formerly known chain of disease, while the one in Conakry appeared to be new, compelling voices in Guinea said. 

"On the uneven street we continue discussing - the high danger of repeat - at the end of the day we are exploring a couple knocks," said WHO representative Margaret Harris on Friday. 

"Obviously we didn't need it, yet we did expect it. Guinea hadn't got to the phase where we were taking a gander at 42 days". 

A nation is thought to be sans ebola following 42 days without another case. 

Liberia as of late accomplished this status and neighboring Sierra Leone is almost part of the way through the 42 days. 

The persevering dangers from the infection were highlighted for this present week when a British medical caretaker fell "fundamentally sick", 10 months in the wake of recuperating from Ebola. 

Another study has likewise demonstrated that Ebola perseveres in the semen of male survivors for up to nine months - any longer than beforehand suspected.
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