Muslims have six primary convictions.
Faith in Allah as the unrivaled God
Faith in blessed messengers
Faith in the blessed books
Faith in the Prophets...
e.g. Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Isa (Jesus).
Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet.
Faith in the Day of Judgment...
The day when the life of each person will be evaluated to choose whether they go to paradise or hellfire.
Confidence in Predestination...
That Allah has the knowlege of all that will happen.
Muslims trust this doesn't stop individuals settling on free decisions.
Allah is the name Muslims use for the incomparable and interesting God, who made and principles everything.
The heart of confidence for all Muslims is acquiescence to Allah's will.
Allah is everlasting, omniscient, and all-powerful...
Allah has dependably existed and will dependably exist.
Allah knows everything that can be known.
Allah can do anything that should be possible.
Allah has no shape or frame...
Allah can't be seen.
Allah can't be listened.
Allah is neither male nor female.
Allah is just...
Allah remunerates and rebuffs decently.
Be that as it may, Allah is additionally kind.
A devotee can approach Allah by imploring, and by discussing the Qur'an.
Muslims revere just Allah...
since just Allah is deserving of love.
The unparalleled God
All Muslims trust that God is one alone:
There is one and only God.
God has no youngsters, no folks, and no accomplices.
God was not made by a being.
There are no equivalent, unrivaled, or lesser Gods.
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