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বাংলাদেশের বিখ্যাত কি কি আম আছে? আম মানেই গ্রীষ্মের স্বাদ। বাংলাদেশের মাটিতে যত ধরনের আমের চাষ হয়, তা যেমন বৈচিত্র্যময়, তেমনই স্বাদে অনন্য। এই প্…

Apple confronting colossal chip patent bill

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Apple confronts a bill of $862m (£565m) in the wake of losing a patent claim. 

The University of Wisconsin effectively guaranteed that Apple utilized its microchip innovation without authorization in some iPhones and iPads. 

The patent, documented in 1998, is said to enhance the force productivity of microchips. 

The case identifies with utilization of the innovation in the iPhone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus – however an extra claim making the same case against Apple's most current models, the 6S and 6S Plus, has additionally been documented. 

The University of Wisconsin sued Intel over the same patent in 2008. The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed entirety. 

In court papers, the college guaranteed Apple overlooked its offers to permit the patent, which would mean paying a charge for its proceeded with use. 

Along these lines the college said Apple was wilfully encroaching the patent, something which, if the court concurs, could convey a heavier fine. 

The exact sum Apple may need to pay will be chose at a later stage in the court procedures. 

Notwithstanding late very much plugged détentes between some enormous tech firms, furious patent fights are as yet being battled in courts all around. 

A week ago, a judge tossed out cases by realistic card master Nvidia that Samsung and others had encroached three of its licen

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